Frequently Asked Questions

Is Spiritual Direction for me?

Anyone can benefit from spiritual direction as they traverse the seasons of life. Sometimes we are more ready to allow God’s movement in our lives than others. I offer a free introductory session for individuals who are wondering if spiritual direction may be right for them and to discern if I am the right spiritual director for them.

How is Spiritual Direction different from counselling?

While the lines may be blurry at times depending on the style of the spiritual director or present circumstances, spiritual direction is different from pastoral counselling or therapy. Counselling is usually crisis or problem driven and usually takes place when something is wrong with life. Solving particular problems or handling specific crisis is not the goal of spiritual direction. A spiritual direction relationship looks for how God is working, inviting, calling, or prodding us in the midst of our circumstances. It focuses on building a deeper, more intimate relationship with God over a lifetime, through all the problems, crisis, joys, and blessings that may come.

How much does Spiritual Direction cost?

It is the industry standard to charge for spiritual direction. Rather then charging a specific rate for spiritual direction, I ask that you make a donation according to your ability to pay as God leads you. This model allows some who could not pursue spiritual direction the opportunity by making fees accessible. After my expenses are covered, I give to several organizations who care for the physical needs, and justice issues of people in developing nations and organizations that help to spread God's love in the world.

An average donation amount of $50 per hour is suggested for individual sessions and can be paid by e-transfer or PayPal. The links will be sent by email once we have agreed to work together. Contact me for fees related to group direction, retreats, workshops, and speaking engagements.

What if I don’t know God?

If you are wondering, exploring, or questioning about God, spiritual direction can be a safe place to ask questions and to do that wondering and exploring. I have worked with individuals from different backgrounds and spiritual experiences. I do identify as a follower and learner of Jesus, so this does shape how I see and experience God.

What guidelines do Spiritual Directors follow?

I adhere to the Code of Ethics of Spiritual Directors International and Emmaus Society of Spiritual Directors. As a spiritual director, I am committed to holding all information in confidence. Our time together and the content of our conversations is sacred. Yet, this confidentiality is subject to any legal requirements where confidentiality cannot be maintained.